We are joining forces to assert our rights as investors in Rendity products.
We demand clarification and transparency for projects that are in default.
And we demand our money back!
The interest group consists exclusively of aggrieved investors in yield projects. Our goal is to actively do something for the return of our money. Rendity has sold us projects that are apparently flawed and cause problems.
The community of interest originated from the Investmentcheck Community forum. Many opinions have already been exchanged and eagerly discussed here. Ultimately, this led to the foundation of the community of interests. There is an internal area in the Investmentcheck forum that is only accessible to members of the IG. We will continue to exchange ideas there.
The Rendity Investor Interest Group is a group of investors who have come together to represent their common interests in connection with investments via the crowdinvesting platform Rendity. Its main tasks and objectives are similar to those of other investor communities and include the following aspects:
The interest group actively promotes the interests of Rendity investors. It acts as a collective voice to articulate investors' concerns and problems to Rendity and the project developers and to seek solutions.
A central purpose of the community of interest is the regular exchange of information between members. This includes discussing the progress of projects, sharing experiences and providing updates on relevant developments or potential problems with investments.
The interest group can conduct negotiations with project developers or Rendity on behalf of the entire group. This is particularly useful when it comes to enforcing rights or resolving conflicts that affect several or all members.
The community can organize legal advice and support for its members. If necessary, we can also take joint legal action to protect the interests of investors. This provides additional security, as investors know that they are not alone in the event of legal problems.
The activities of the community of interest increase transparency. Members receive faster and more comprehensive information on the status and developments of the various projects at Rendity, which helps them to make informed decisions.
The community of interest aims to take on a monitoring role by closely observing the progress of the projects and pointing out possible undesirable developments or risks. This can help to identify problems at an early stage and take measures to ensure the success of the investments or to counteract undesirable developments.
The community offers its members a network in which they can support and advise each other. This not only promotes cohesion, but also the exchange of knowledge and experience, which is beneficial for everyone involved.
How do I register in the IG?
Registration for membership with Aktionsbund Aktiver Anlegerschutz
Upload the first page of the Rendity loan agreement (please only Rendity, no other providers) to the respective project. You can find the contract under Lending > Investments > Documents
*Login to the internal forum for Rendity investors on investmentcheck-community >>>>>
(only if you are not yet registered in the forum, see point 4)
If you are not yet registered with investmentcheck community, please register separately - if you are already registered, please inform the action group of your “nickname” so that you can be activated for the internal forum
With over 36,000 investors, Rendity is one of the largest platforms in the crowdinvesting sector. Nevertheless, Rendity is also struggling with massive defaults. Defaults that could perhaps have been avoided. Failures that we as investors have to bear, because it is our money that is being destroyed here.
We, the community of interests of Rendity investors, bundle all activities on the part of the investors in order to join forces against Rendity and the issuers.
The community of interests is supported by the
Aktionsbund Aktiver Anlegerschutz e.V.
supported. The Aktionsbund provides advice and assistance to the interest group and helps with the planning and implementation of measures.
It is always better to act as a community than individually. Because together we are stronger.
We are committed to ensuring that investors in Rendity products can exercise their rights.
Our mission is to defend the interests and financial rights of investors.
We are an interest group that campaigns for investor protection and legal enforcement for investors in Rendity. Our mission is to promote transparency and fairness in crowdinvesting.
Gern beantworten wir alle Ihre Fragen. Falls noch weitere Fragen offen sind, schreiben Sie uns einfach.
That depends on how many disappointed investors come together. The more there are, the more powerful the whole thing becomes.
There is no upper limit. Experience has shown that at least a few hundred aggrieved parties always come together.
Everyone has to answer this question for themselves. It is worthwhile for you if you believe in law, order and justice. And if you intend to ensure that you get your investment back. It doesn't matter whether you have only invested 10 or 10,000 euros. Every loss hurts.
Justice can only be achieved if we take action against injustice together. This can take a long time and be time-consuming and nerve-wracking. But in the end, it is always worth standing up for a just cause and possibly getting your money back.
The management of an IG is important for its functioning. For this reason, at least one person who belongs to the group of investors must always be in charge.
It is particularly important to have a central contact person when communicating with fellow investors and also when exchanging information with lawyers and tax advisors. These professional groups also attach particular importance to this.
Otherwise, of course, help and support are always welcome.
The IG is initially a point of contact for investors who have suffered losses. The aim is to represent the interests of investors vis-à-vis the provider. Suggestions and ideas are always welcome. We can look for solutions together. Because together we are stronger than the individual. As a member, you can and should actively participate in the IG. We can all learn from each other and thus pursue our goals.
Everyone who is interested in becoming a member of the IG has had bad experiences with Rendity. Promised repayments have not been made, interest has not been paid, projects are being extended. As an investor, you stand there and can only watch and pray and fear that everything will turn out well in the end.
As investors, we are relatively helpless in the face of issuers and platforms. However, we want to actively do something about the discrimination against investors. We want to protect our investments and we want our money back in the end!
The group is essentially self-supporting. But of course we have allies.
This is our central communication platform. There is a protected area where all news and updates are published. If you become a member of IG, you automatically get access to the internal area.
Aktionsbund Aktiver Anlegerschutz e.V.
It doesn't work without organization. That's why all the threads concerning membership come together here. The association also supports the IG in word and deed and helps with the implementation of concerns.
We also cooperate with various law firms. Depending on the area of law and the issue at hand, we can draw on a team of specialized lawyers.
The administration of an IG is time-consuming. A large number of people, deadlines and content have to be coordinated. Experience has shown that it is good when investors join forces. Everyone is highly motivated and wants to achieve something. The devil is usually in the detail, in the form of administration. For example, it is not that easy to send mass e-mails or even set up and operate a website.
That's why it's important to have people in the background to help with administrative tasks. Of course, these people have to be paid. The relatively low membership fee is charged for this.
Unfortunately, we cannot answer this question as we are not allowed to clarify individual tax issues. In case of doubt, this depends on your personal tax situation.
It is best to consult a tax expert who is familiar with the deductibility of membership fees.
We want to check whether our members' legal claims can be enforced. This does not always have to involve legal action. It is always important that the rights of our members are safeguarded.
Our aim is to demand transparency and disclosure from Rendity. Rendity should also support us in enforcing our rights.
If you are also having problems on other crowdinvesting platforms, we recommend taking a look at the Investmentcheck forum. There are forums for numerous providers where investors can exchange information.
Specifically, we have another community of interest.
Community of interest of Bergfürst investors
So if you also have problems here - please take a look.
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